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4Cs of Diamond Quality: Diamond Clarity Grading by GIA. GIA is the creator of the 4Cs of diamond quality used worldwide.
Diamond clarity refers to the absence of inclusions and blemishes.
While no diamond is perfectly pure, the closer it comes, the higher its value. Evaluating diamond clarity involves determining the number, size, relief, nature and position of these characteristics, as well as how they affect the overall appearance of the stone.
The GIA Diamond Clarity Scale has 6 categories, and a total of 11 specific grades. Many inclusions and blemishes are too tiny to be seen by anyone other than a trained diamond grader, which is why expert and accurate assessment of diamond clarity is so critical.
Learn about diamond clarity by watching this one-minute video, which includes fun and informative features like a diamond clarity chart.
They are graded on a scale that ranges from Flawless to Imperfect.
Flawless: (F) Diamonds that have no inclusions and blemishes. To be graded as flawless, the diamond must appear completely clean to the gemmologist under both a loupe and a microscope at 10 x magnification.
Internally flawless: (IF) Diamonds that have no internal inclusions and only very, very minor blemishes that are apparent only under 10 x magnification.
Very Very slightly Included: (VVS) Diamonds that are graded within one of two subcategories: VVS1 and VVS2. In both categories, the inclusions, which are present, are extremely hard to see, even for a trained gemologist. Often even under magnification, the inclusions are still only visible from the pavilion (upside-down position) and not in the face-up position. The most typical inclusions found in diamonds within these two clarity grades are a few tiny pinpoints, faint clouds, tiny feathers, or internal graining.
Very Slightly Included: (VS) These diamonds are also graded within one of two subcategories: VS1 and VS2. They have minor inclusions which are minute and impossible to detect with the naked eye, but which are apparent to a gemmologist under 10 x magnifications. Inclusions, which are typical in these clarity grades, include small-included crystals, feathers, distinct clouds, and groupings of pinpoints.
Slightly Included: (SI) these diamonds fall within one of two subcategories: SI1 and SI2. Within both of these categories, inclusions are often centrally located and easily detectable under 10 x magnification. In some cases, an inclusion may even be visible to the naked eye when the diamond is held a couple of inches away from the viewer’s eye, though no inclusions will be visible when the diamond is mounted or held at a normal wearing distance (12” to 16”) from the eye. Typical inclusions in this clarity graded are included crystals, clouds and feathers.
Imperfect: (I) these diamonds are actually subdivided into three categories: I1, I2 and I3 though it is unlikely that you will ever see an I3 being sold s jewellery (because of the severity of their inclusions, they are usually used as industrial abrasives instead). However, it is not uncommon to find many attractive I1 and I2 diamonds being sold today. These grades contain inclusions that are very obvious under 10 x magnification; these inclusions may even be visible to the naked eye as well. Typical characteristics of these grades include large included crystals and feathers. Because of their lower clarity, I1 and I2 diamonds can offer excellent cost savings for customers who are working with a smaller budget but still desire a good size diamond.